Sunday, December 23, 2012



The Day soon arrives and this mark the end of another year.Yet there are some Christians in Eastern Tradition prefer to Celebrate their Christmas on the beginning of the new year.We can not exactly point out to an exact date & say that on such  & such date such an event happened in History,for after all the history testifies the calendars has been changed.
          The day we Celebrate as CHRISTMAS is an event that did happen in History,which no one could refute,which the Prophets of  Old have foretold and looked forward to eagerly.Anyone who is open hearted can look to the STAR of Bethlehem ---The SCRIPTURE of TRUTH shine so brighter in the ever getting chaos ,darker gloomier world.
                 If anyone is living in midst of despair,confusion & miseries,let this STAR point you to THE SAVIOUR JESUS bring,hope & joy,for HE was born into this world, to UNDO but THE ENEMY DID.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Because  when they knew GOD,they glorified HIM as not GOD,neither were thankful;but became  vain in their imaginations and foolish heart was darkened ,professing themselves to be wise,they became fools,and changed the glory of incorruptible  GOD into an image made like an corruptible man and to birds ,and four footed beasts and creeping things,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wherefore GOD gave them up to uncleanness  through the lusts of their own  hearts to dishonour their own bodies between themselves who changed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the TRUTH of GOD into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the CREATOR!
                                                                                 This is happening in the so called civilised world!   

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

John 3:16------------>The Proper Perspective

John 3:16----------> In the Proper Perspective
Ask any shallow Bible Student or very serious Bible Scholar,for the Most Important Text in all the Bible,straight come the reply,John 3:16.
But have any looked into the context,realized the weight of the matter.A religious teacher Nicodemus has recognized another fellow teacher JESUS.During the ensuing conversation,this text comes out of JESUS mouth."GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON,that whosoever  believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Yes,GOD loved the whole World.No,doubt.But the proper perspective is HE  died for each "whosoever" individual.This means that point ,in time,JESUS hang on the cross,GOD loved ,me,more than HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON in my place.In your perspective,GOD,spared not HIS only BEGOTTEN SON, at the point in time on the cross GOD loved "you" more than HIS OWN SON.This will constrain us to live for HIM only.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

JESUS----the only one----UNIQUE

JESUS----the only one----UNIQUE
JESUS is the Fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies over a period of hundreds & thousands years by tens of prophets.All written in the Hebrew Scriptures
The Birth------------The Virgin Birth
HIS Life-------------to His opponents, which of you can accuse ME of sin?
HIS Message--------never a man spake like this!
HIS death -----------Minutely detailed in the Jewish prophet Isaiah
HIS final prayer------pouring HIS blood--------forgive them
HIS Resurrection----as HE said the third day ,Rose Again
HIS final words----I will come Again
.            Now,how do we respond these facts. This determine our ultimate destination!

Friday, April 27, 2012

To-MORROW 29 April 2012 :-----------------A great event is going to take place since the day when JESUS told His disciples on a mountain in Galilee about 2000 years ago go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.Tomorrow a hundred thousands of evangelical Christians like me,instead of attending a Church service are going into all the world.They are going with the Gospel.In most cases,they are meeting people one on one basis,and present the Gospel.This was not posible few years ago.The World-Wide-Web had made this possible.
JESUS--the TRUE PROPHET must have envisoned this and have predicted thousands years ago "for a witness this Gospel shall be preached unto all nations:and then shall the end come."Matt24:14.
Now we are finding another prophecy of JESUS,not countries fighting with other countries but one ethinic group fighting with other.JESUS presents a Gospel of Peace.A nation that take up shall perish by the sword.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

weather is unusually cold everywhere

These days we in Balochistan are facing severe cold,when we should see trees and flower plants blossom with flowers.This is in the physical world.We could see the same things happening in the spiritual world.One is reminded of our LORD JESUS words" in the last days love of many shall grow cold".The faithful are taking extra efforts to stay closer to THE LORD to stay warmer and work harder to keep fit.Let me be the blessed servant my MASTER find me doing so.AMEN

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Again ITS CHRIST-mas:which ONE?

I still remember fresh as ever when I posted this it was X'mas time.I wanted this blog to send as a greeting to the wide world THE MESSAGE of the SAVIOUR birth.But the world is busy heeding to the earthly ruler to censor & ensure they are surely embedded on earth.
Although I was late this time to beam this message for X'mas during the celebration in the western tradition,but I well in time for the celebration in the Coptic & Eastern Churches.Which ever tradition you may celebrate your X'mas,the ultimate question is: "Has JESUS born in my heart?"Else all our celebration are all in vain.The Ruler of this World,still deceiving us.