John 3:16----------> In the Proper Perspective
Ask any shallow Bible Student or very serious Bible Scholar,for the Most Important Text in all the Bible,straight come the reply,John 3:16.
But have any looked into the context,realized the weight of the matter.A religious teacher Nicodemus has recognized another fellow teacher JESUS.During the ensuing conversation,this text comes out of JESUS mouth."GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON,that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Yes,GOD loved the whole World.No,doubt.But the proper perspective is HE died for each "whosoever" individual.This means that point ,in time,JESUS hang on the cross,GOD loved ,me,more than HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON in my place.In your perspective,GOD,spared not HIS only BEGOTTEN SON, at the point in time on the cross GOD loved "you" more than HIS OWN SON.This will constrain us to live for HIM only.