Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Soon Again Very Merry CHRISTmas Be that more REAL

The day 16th Dec is an event-full day in the history of Pakistan.This year too on the 16th of Dec another tragedy struck in the city of Peshawar.The terrorists entered into an Army Public School,while the school was in session and targeted the students and staff.At the end 130 students were killed about 10 staff killed.Many were seriously injured.The nation were shocked and the world wondered what had taken place.The politician earlier had drawn a line between good Taliban and bad Taliban now begin to say all are Terrorists.
The innocents children are not spared.The worst had happened in the northern Nigeria at the hands of BokoHaram  for the last few years in schools and Boarding houses.The young girls taken away and sold them as brides.
This Spring another movement sprung out as ISIS in Syria and Iraq,where Christians have lived from the Apostolic days and built Churches.They have to flee their homes.The Churches are plundered and turned into tortures cells by the ISIS .The infants and children are beheaded because they confess"we love JESUS"and would not deny.This reminds us of the original CHRISTmas when JESUS was born,he wanted to get rid of JESUS,he wanted to make to sure and started with the age twelve-no room for marginal errors.The enemy cannot out-smart GOD plan of Salvation.GOD Real Children cannot be killed!They live for-ever.AMEN

Thursday, July 17, 2014



1>The natural Disasters,such as Typhons,Tornadoes,Earth-quake,Tsunamis,etc more frequents with greater intensity

2>Pollution in Atmosphere of various gasses,in the land of pesticides and radio-active materials .The seas and ocean are

  are full of pillages oil etc

3>Scarcity of drinking water and food for the survival human on the Earth.

4>Man find it increasing difficult to tolerate and live peaceably live with his neighbor.

5>The Scriptures have fore-told:--Wars between nations--the beginning of sorrows of the end.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014