Tuesday, December 27, 2016

What is ---X Mas is All About ?

What  is -----X Mas is all about?
Does this  X stand  as Unknown  Thing  to  you? How  many  years  have come  and  gone ....still not  sure what is  this about? In the dark  night a star appeared  in the  eastern  sky. Looking  at the star,it dawned to  three seekers, they  were guided to the  Child that  is born a SAVIOUR. HIS name  shall be  called JESUS, HE shall save HIS  people from  their sin.

This is  CHRISTMAS. That  God offered  this  Unique  GIFT to  all who  would  accept. If one  miss  this  FREE ,one  would  repent and regret  for  ever .  With  this free  gift  one would  also receive, joy unspeakable  and peace that  passeth all understanding ! Come  all Who Would.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I recently came cross an article that a. Retd.  Soldier 89 yrs old advertise for a job under caption " save me from dying of boredom".What a Lesson for the Present Day who stand at street corners smoking idleing away the time.They do not want to learn, help parents,family and the country.
For what purpose are we here? What difrance between Humans and Animals? Animals can not think.May the present Day Youth begin to Think and Be Wise .A LESSON from This old Soldier!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Time for me is very Expensive Stuff

I have put away my other activities to sit write this few lines.Since My last post I traveled  a lot,  by Bus,train,and by Air.
Now today I had determined to a posting for I fear my blogging may become inactive and may not have an account.
We are coming  soon to the end of another year.US is very busy to elect a New President.Mid-East is in Chaos .Kashmiris  are fighting for their Freedom.