Thursday, December 20, 2018


Merrium-Webster Dictionary has chosen the word "justice" as the word of the Year 2018.People all over are facing injustices .Truth is turned into lie and vice versa.I think it was Joseph Geobbel ,Hitler Propaganda Minister,who said"If you tell a lie once it will remain a lie for ever:but if you repeat a lie big enough and repeat it often enough that eventually people it as "truth".
Justice can only be dispensed if the real truth is known.But in this era Multi-media propaganda of Leftists & other Idealogy .the lies are apparently turns true,to the extent of denying the historical Jesus.For Christians all over the world rejoce over the Jesus was born about 2000 years ago and will return as a Judge & King to judge and Reward all Believers.Let this Christmas ,the Babe in Bethlehem be born into each, who celebrate X'Mas as  The Saviour JESUS

Thursday, May 17, 2018


THE HEART ----house of Deceits or seat of Integrity
We are exposed to all kinds of Information ,Dis-information,Mis-information Etc Etc thru the Multi-media,non-stop 24/7.At the end of the day what is being retained in ones heart ?What is going to be housed in my heart? Proverbs says"as a man thinketh,so is he"26:7.For  every thing there is an end.Where will I end?I can not live as I please.There is Divine Code -  The Scriptures -The Holy Bible..Before its late:Act Now

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Prof Stephen Hawking------witherbound

  • The Greatest ------------Ever Lived is Prof Stephen Hawkins or Is It ------------?Prof Stephen Hawkins was,though Wheel-Chair Bound most of his life has Achieved Many things during his time.To his credit he has formulated many theories by his Mind though he was physically handicapped.He had ventured into the frontiers of time and space of The Origins of  Creations  but missed the Real Truth.What worth this Life? Besides the physical senses The Creator has endowed each of us a measure of "faith" by we understand God created this vast Universe,and Beyond this all there The Eternity.There is Another Life!