The Holy Bible has fore warned us.The Apostles have clearly spoken and also written in Letters,The judgment will come on all,who have not repented of their sins
The people are living as though there is nothing to be accounted for.The children in the Schools,are not taught of the 3 Rs,but 3S ,the sexual orientations.The immatured minds are confused.They can not know which Bathroom/Toilet to use.They are introduced to a 3rd Bathroom/Toilet
They are not taught the Scriptures and Morals.The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
The people are living as though there is nothing to be accounted for.The children in the Schools,are not taught of the 3 Rs,but 3S ,the sexual orientations.The immatured minds are confused.They can not know which Bathroom/Toilet to use.They are introduced to a 3rd Bathroom/Toilet
They are not taught the Scriptures and Morals.The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom