The year 2020 came and now we are at the end of the tenth month.I remember when teaching at our Bible School,for those preparing to become the future Church leaders,I gave them an assignment what is it you would like doing in the year 2020.What is your Vision 2020 ?
No one would have expected what this year had brought.The Pandemic,out of the blue had struck.This Covid-19 had not spared no one.It had affected spiritually,and physically every one in this world.This morning I read in the news one air-line company lost about £5 billions .Millions lives were lost and many more will die,young &old.There is no end of this pandemic and this may continue for years.
What can one do?Is there a place to hide and take refuge?I turn to the WORD for comfort,where in find John 10:27-30 which says" My sheep hear My voice and I know them they follow Me and I give them eternal life......they shall never perish....