Merry X'mas Again-----Ending an Eventful Year 2022
In June of this year we had the planets Mercury Venus Mars ,Jupiter and Saturn,along with the Full Moon Align.Now in the last week of this eventful year, we have the Two Important Festivals Aligning Up.We have Chanukah and the Christmas,falling in line.We Christians of the Western traditions Celebrate Christmas on the 25th Dec.and this happens on the First Day of the week on which we celebrate the Resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!We have to be Doubly thankful to Adore our Lord and Savior who came as Babe to this Earth as a child ,born of a virgin.
This day the Sun is on the Capricorn --the day is shortest day in the Northerh Hemispere!Things are moving and changing,we are all pilgrims and travelers.Where are we heading?For me I can say ,I know WHOM I have belived !!I have a home in Heaven where I am going!