Thursday, November 25, 2010

REAL PEACE your birth-right

REAL PEACE ------- let it be your CHOICE
A fort-nght ago newspapers across the globe carried the news of 29 yrs old Australian twins tried to kill one other,after a shooting practice in USA.By the intervention of police one of them was saved,other was killed. What prompted them to end their lives? Is it poverty,misery,sickness or any other hardship?The good thing is they did not sell them to terrorits to take the lives of the innocents,with a suicide-belt.The bad thing is the parents & relatives of twins cope with the loss.The worst is the survivng twin have to live with the guilt and she may try to end her life in some way,unless,she comes in repentence to THE LAMB of GOD WHICH taketh away the sin of the world(Jn 1:29)She can have the REAL PEACE with in,with others & with THE CREATOR.This is all REALITY,not any vain imaginations.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rev 3:20==>OPEN for FELLOW-SHIP

JESUS knocks at each door of the heart, if one listen & open ,the door,HE would joyfully enter in AND have fellowship with each one.BUT soon discover , we are in company of big company of believers.As the cup is passed one can not completely emptied, as is passed along.What a joyful company it is!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

water everywhere BUT no where to drink

The country Pakistan is almost submerged in water.People are all facing misery,not enough of any thing,except the stagnant water which breeds mosqutoes etc etc.This is time not time to blame any but to self-examine,reconcile with The CREATOR & with each other& forgiving one another.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


It is GOOD FRIDAY today!
Did we we ever take time to ponder,why this day is so called----the day JESUS was crucified,wearing The cruel,Cursed Crown of Thorns,almost naked.For six hours on the cross,sweating & bleeding and was in AGONY.On the top of all these the mockings & spittings of the crowd.JESUS bore all their curses,mockings & spits.At the climax of sufferings,HE cried out"MY GOD! MY GOD! Why THOU hast forsaken ME?
In spite of all these the Christians call it a GOOD FRIDAY,for the simple reason,JESUS wore the curse on that day that they be blessed.JESUS was our negetive print,that we come out of it a positive print.This is what Paul writings to Corinth says "HE became sin for us that we become righteous in HIM".
HIS rejection ------- on the cross our acceptance.
HIS curse -------------on the cross our blessings
HIS death -------------on the cross our eternal life, all these & many more if we would believe HE took all my evil,that I may become good in HIM.There is NO OTHER way OUT. BELIEVE &HAVE THESE!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Churches Will Explore Internet Opportunities on Sunday April 25

Internet Evangelism Day is an annual digital outreach focus day for churches. This year, it is scheduled for Sunday April 25. It's an opportunity for any church to explore with its members the exciting opportunities for sharing the good news online. Ready-made free downloads – PowerPoint, video clips, handouts, drama scripts and music can be easily built into a presentation of five minutes or 50.

2010's focus day will be the sixth to be used by churches around the world since the initiative's launch in 2005. Over this period, digital media have developed dramatically, with the advent of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, and the growing use of mobile phones to access online services.

IE Day's website is also a one-stop resource covering many subjects including: how to build a church website that is 'outsider friendly', using Twitter in evangelism, and ideas for effective blogging.

Perhaps surprisingly, you do not need to be technical to share your faith online. And you can volunteer to be an email mentor to inquirers with several large online outreach ministries.

Internet Evangelism Day is an initiative of the Internet Evangelism Coalition, based at the Billy Graham Center, Wheaton. It is supported by a wide range of Christian leaders and groups. "I am glad to commend Internet Evangelism Day," says John Stott.

More information:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Man ! Wither Bound ?

Man ! Whither Bound ?
No doubt-Man has advanced very much technologically,which makes this wide world smaller.This makes the Mankid to

inter-act among them-selves,more frequent.Does it tick towards to a time to reach a critical point for an explosion?

Or does the man-KIND of different varieties,blend to-gether to form the multicoloured fabric of a civilized society?
The Root Cause of the Problem is the sinful SELF in each heart.Unless & Untill this is removed,the world is heading

towards final destruction.The Solution to the Problem is found in the Sciptures(Philp 2:3b-5) Let each esteem

others better than themselves.Look not every on his own things but every man also on the things of others.Let this

mind be in you,which was also in CHRIST JESUS.