Thursday, April 1, 2010


It is GOOD FRIDAY today!
Did we we ever take time to ponder,why this day is so called----the day JESUS was crucified,wearing The cruel,Cursed Crown of Thorns,almost naked.For six hours on the cross,sweating & bleeding and was in AGONY.On the top of all these the mockings & spittings of the crowd.JESUS bore all their curses,mockings & spits.At the climax of sufferings,HE cried out"MY GOD! MY GOD! Why THOU hast forsaken ME?
In spite of all these the Christians call it a GOOD FRIDAY,for the simple reason,JESUS wore the curse on that day that they be blessed.JESUS was our negetive print,that we come out of it a positive print.This is what Paul writings to Corinth says "HE became sin for us that we become righteous in HIM".
HIS rejection ------- on the cross our acceptance.
HIS curse -------------on the cross our blessings
HIS death -------------on the cross our eternal life, all these & many more if we would believe HE took all my evil,that I may become good in HIM.There is NO OTHER way OUT. BELIEVE &HAVE THESE!

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