Friday, February 26, 2010

Man ! Wither Bound ?

Man ! Whither Bound ?
No doubt-Man has advanced very much technologically,which makes this wide world smaller.This makes the Mankid to

inter-act among them-selves,more frequent.Does it tick towards to a time to reach a critical point for an explosion?

Or does the man-KIND of different varieties,blend to-gether to form the multicoloured fabric of a civilized society?
The Root Cause of the Problem is the sinful SELF in each heart.Unless & Untill this is removed,the world is heading

towards final destruction.The Solution to the Problem is found in the Sciptures(Philp 2:3b-5) Let each esteem

others better than themselves.Look not every on his own things but every man also on the things of others.Let this

mind be in you,which was also in CHRIST JESUS.