Tuesday, December 29, 2020

CHRISTmas is here Again

 My Blogspot began on a Christmas day :hence this title of my blogspot.This day in the calendar is a has special for any Christian.This day has been celebrated through out centuries,in every continent in all climate and cultures.For on this day The FATHER of ETERNITY came as a Babe in Bethlehem.The Enemy used all its resources ,to nib in the bud,The God Eternal Plan of Redemption of the humans.They were able to kill the inocents children ,but failed to kill The Prince of Peace.

When JESUS was born ,the angels announced "glory to God on the highest,peace on Earth goodwill to all mankind".The THIEF come but to steal ,kill and destroy,BUT  JESUS came to give life ,LIFE RTERNAL & LIFE EVER MORE.This corono -19 had killed many and is killing many more,it can ONLY destroy the bodies they have no more power to destroy our SOULS.

Let us look beyond this Earth & Time into ETERNITY,JESUS SAVES EVEN now