Thursday, December 19, 2013


Just few days left for the great day THE "CHRISTMAS".Why we sing "Joy to the World...",while the world around engulfed in  sorrow & miseries.The Christan believers are being persecuted all over the world.Specially in and around Jerusalem.Even in the the midst of this the believers can take heart,for our LORD words are ringing TRUE.Jn16:1ff.The True Christians,where ever, they may be will be persecuted.The nominal Christians,who only profess with their mouth,living a politically correct life,pleasing the world,will not suffer persecution.They & rest of their company,hope on this world.But the Believers are looking for the Blessed Hope of HIS coming.
Let this CHRISTMAS we can be more joyful,for there is REASON --THE SAVIOUR has saved us.Our KING is coming soon!AMEN

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What A DAY to celebrate??

    To-day,14th August marks another milestone in the country's history,since we got independence from foreign rule.Whether this is for the better or worse,we have yet to see!On the eve of this day, there had been bomb blast in Karachi,Sind and Balochistan.Turbat the city ,where now I reside,last evening as I went to bed there were explosions all around my area ,yet I slept peacefully.GOD be praised!Though I live in the midst of bombs & explosions,I have the peace that passeth all undestanding!
             I am known as a mekrani,though I a not a Baluchi!I live in Baluchistan,not permanantly.I do not have any of the country passport,but waiting to be emmigrated to regions beyond.I had been under a cruel "ruler"during my teen ages,but I had now got rid of that d-evil tyrant.I am enjoying my INDEPENDENCE every day,since 1955!But this is not only my exclusive RIGHT.BUT FOR WHOSOEVER WISHES!!.AMEN