Monday, March 31, 2008

The SONDAY,the third day after GOOD FRIDAY

The SON arose on the third day even before the sun arose on the first day.(There was the sun dis-appearance & even while JESUS hung on the cross.)
The first day ,the resurrection morning ,is now commonly called as "easter",which brings in many divert away from the reality of the BODILY RESURRECTION of our LORD JESUS . HE said that in parables & plain words,that HE would die in the hands of sinners of sinners, HE would rise again.The Sadducetic teachings hard even made the disciples & then followers to doubt.But they all changed ,when HE appeared to them in body & proved.All other prophets,whether sent by GOD or other-wise are dead & buried,BUT NOT the grave of our JESUS!
This demand you &me to follow HIM faithfully.Amen

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